TEXAS: Obama does something far more presidential than Trump…but wait!

For the last several days social media has erupted with people arguing that Barack Obama demonstrated that he is more presidential than Donald Trump because he’s supposedly in Houston, TX serving food to those in need.

Obama released a Twitter message thanking first responders in Texas for helping Americans, and shortly after a picture of him emerged on Twitter showing him allegedly serving food in Houston to victims at a homeless shelter.

It looked great and felt even better to liberals desperate for something to shove in the faces of every Trump supporter for why Obama is better than he is. The caption even proved that point with the original poster saying, “something you’ll never see trump do: Obama is in Texas serving meals!”

What’s funny, or perhaps sad, if we’re talking about how incredibly desperate liberals are, is that by blasting this picture they proved the opposite point they thought they were making.

Here’s the problem: The viral picture of Obama allegedly helping Hurricane Harvey victims wasn’t taken in Texas and wasn’t even taken this year.

The photo of Obama was actually from 2015 when he was serving Thanksgiving dinner at a homeless shelter.  The tweet had enough time to go viral before it was deleted, however, receiving close to 15,000 likes and almost 8,000 retweets today.

Unlike Obama that avoided flood ravaged Louisiana during his last term, THE president, Donald Trump, actually WAS in Texas.

You can see the photo below and please notice what everyone is wearing. If you think anyone would wear a sweater like that in Texas in August…you’ve never been to Texas in August!

Viral photo of Obama serving food in 2015