Rep. Mast Slams Joe Biden, Says He ‘Does Not Deserve’ To Remain In Office For Afghanistan Debacle

Rep. Brian Mast, who served as an Army combat veteran and ended up losing both legs during his time in Afghanistan, spoke with Newsmax on Tuesday where he stated that President Joe Biden “does not deserve to have the titles of commander or chief anywhere close to his name” after he has now committed the “greatest military blunder in my lifetime’s history,” referring to the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

“(It is) the time to call for people’s jobs to include the president, and there’s a host of other reasons outside of what’s going on in Afghanistan,” the Florida Republican went on to say during his interview on Newsmax’s “John Bachman Now.” “Let’s layer something else up on Afghanistan. We’ve now created the next terrorist safe haven. I don’t believe that the Taliban are turning over a new leaf. As of yesterday, they’re no longer the Taliban that they used to be.”

Mast then went on to insist that former President Donald Trump and his administration have “zero blame” for what happened in the Middle East country over the course of the last weekend, regardless of what Biden stated on Monday.

“President Biden decided himself to conduct the withdrawal, how to conduct the withdrawal, to do it in the dark of night. and to not do it in a tactical way,” the congressman said. “If his analysis truly was that this was going to happen, whether it was a week later a month later, or a year later, then why in the world would they leave one military arm there? One piece of armor one anything to make the most well-equipped Taliban in the history of the Taliban?”

Mast then reminded folks that the United States is also still currently dealing with an immigration crisis at the southern border.

“Those two things obviously don’t go very well hand-in-hand,” he went on to say. “Resignations must come for both domestic and foreign policy purposes.”

via Newsmax:

Afghanistan remains an “extremely dangerous situation,” Mast continued. However, he said, the United States does not “have the right people in the fight for it, and I’m not talking about the Marines. I’m talking about those on top.”

Meanwhile, the congressman said his fellow veterans are carrying a “weight on their shoulders that I haven’t seen them carry in this way before” because so many of their Afghan partners are left behind and are in danger of capture by the Taliban.

“There are those who have reached out to unit commanders, unit first sergeants, others that have written letters for their Afghan partners that they served with for how many years, saying I’m sponsoring you for a special immigrant visa,” said the congressman. “Now they’re getting WhatsApp messages or emails or you name it saying ‘I’m on the run. I’m sleeping in a pomegranate orchard. I’m going house to house. This is going to happen to my spouse, my children my whatever.'”

Mast then stated that the veterans he’s currently hearing from are in what he called a “heartbreaking situation,” because they made commitments to get their partners out of Afghanistan and now that promise is at risk.